Revolutionary Transit Worker No. 44 -- Supplement

Supported by the League for the Revolutionary Party

January 9, 2009

RTW Program For a Contract Fight

No Arbitration: Workers’ Mobilization!

Accept no contract without a vote!

Large wage increases plus full, frequent Cost-of-Living Adjustments to maintain our living standards;

No benefit reductions; no new or increased worker deduction;

No layoffs; no givebacks or trade-offs of any kind;

No fare hikes or service cuts.

We should demand amnesty from Taylor Law or other legal penalties for "concerted action in restraint of production."

These demands conflict with the interests and plans of management, the capitalist class and their state. To start winning such demands, we must mobilize the union for real struggle. That means preparing for strike action.

We must place meaningful contract demands and plans for action, including mobilization of the ranks and strike preparation, on the Toussaint leadership. This may seem absurd, given their criminal betrayals. But the current leadership has the union’s resources at its disposal. No alternative leadership commands the loyalty of a mass of union members and few outside of RTW supporters are suggesting a serious struggle. Rank-and-file anger can pressure Toussaint and Co. into taking steps to mobilize the union.

Also in this Supplement:
No To Arbitration! TWU: Mobilize for Contract Fight, Against Fare Hikes And Service Cuts!

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