Foreword by Sy Landy
Preface by Sy Landy from the Swedish edition
Introduction - Theories of Stalinism
- Pseudo-Socialist Capitalism
- Socialism Theories
- Workers’ State Theories
- State Capitalism Theories
- Third-System Theories
- The Common Theory
- Middle-Class Marxism
- This Book
- Notes
Chapter 1 - The Contradictions of Capitalism
1. Value and Wage Labor
- Modes of Exploitation
- The Labor Theory of Value
- Contradictions of Value
- Wage Labor
- The Law of Inequality
2. The Accumulation of Capital
- Relative Surplus Value
- Concentration and Centralization
- “Capitalist Communism”
- The Question of Competition
- Competition and Value
3. Capitalism’s Crises
- The Crisis Cycle
- Underconsumptionism
- Disproportionality
- The Falling Rate of Profit
- The Value Dilemma
Notes to Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Revolutionary Epoch
1. The Epoch of Capitalist Decay
2. Imperialism
- Revisionism
- Theories of Imperialism
- Lenin’s “Imperialism”‘
- Imperialism and the Laws of Capital
- The Limits of Nationalism
3. Permanent Revolution
- The Split in Socialism
- Trotsky’s Theory
- Permanent Revolution and the Epoch
- The Revolutionary Party
- Petty Bourgeoisie vs. Working Class
- The Marxism of the Intelligentsia
Notes to Chapter 2
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Chapter 3 - The Transition to Socialism PDF
1. Marxist Theory of Transition
- Socialism and Value
- Socialist Inequality
- The Workers’ State
- The Workers’ State and Socialism
- Dictatorship and Democracy; Political Economy of a Workers’ State
- Mandel’s Theory
- Cliff’s Theory
- The Paradox of a Workers’ State.
2. The Struggle for the Soviet State
- Initial Bolshevik Policies
- “State Capitalism”
- The Origins of Bureaucratic Decay
- The Left Opposition
- Socialism in One Country
- Socialist Accumulation
- Bukharin’s Conservatism.
Chapter 4 - The Stalinist Counterrevolution PDF
1. The Political Counterrevolution
- Social vs. Political Counterrevolution
- Revolution from Above
- Left Interpretations
- The Bureaucratic Danger
- Stalinism in Crisis
- The Nature of the Communist Parties
- Soviet Bonapartism.
2. The Counterrevolution Completed
- Domestic Right Turn
- Competition and Inequality in Labor
- Stalinist Planning
- Soviet Law
- The Great Purge
- The New Bureaucracy
- Counterrevolution Triumphant.
3. Trotsky’s Last Analysis
- Counterrevolutionary Stalinism
- The Stalinist Economy
- A New Class Society?.
Chapter 5 - Stalinist Capitalism PDF
1. Pseudo-Socialist Capitalism
- The Social Goal of Production
- Pseudo-Planning
- Consumer Goods
- Declining Accumulation
- The FRP and Fictitious Capital
- Overproduction and Crises
- Unemployment
- Women Workers.
2. The Law of Value under Stalinism
- Capital Flows
- The Two-Sector Theory
- Production for Use
- Use-Value Theories
- Value without Wage Labor
- Non-Capitalist Competition
- The Bureaucrats’ Law of Value
- Evading the Law of Value.
3. The Stalinist Ruling Class
- Bureaucracy as Ruling Class
- Bourgeoisie and Bureaucracy
- From Fascism to Senility
- Nationalized Property and its Devolution.
Chapter 6 - Stalinism and the Postwar World PDF
1. Defeat of the Working Class
- Imperialism between the Wars
- Stalinism and World War II
- Stalinism after the War
- From Alliance to Cold War
- The Stalinist Parties
- Permanent Revolution Extended
2. Postwar Imperialism
- The Unexpected Boom
- Fictitious Capital
- The End of the Boom
- Lenin’s Theory Revisited
- Third Worldism.
3. Stalinist Imperialism
- The Imperialism of Backwardness
- Soviet Imperialism and Lenin’s Theory
- Alternative Theories
- Defense of the Soviet Union?
- Stalinist Nationalism
- Empire in Retreat
- Imperialist Realignment.
Chapter 7 - The Degeneration of Trotskyism PDF
1. Theories of a New Epoch
- The Fourth International
- Postwar Adaptations
- Neo-Capitalism
- The Permanent Arms Economy
- The End of Imperialism?
- Military State Capitalism
- Bukharinism vs. Kautskyism.
2. Deformed Workers’ State Theory
- The “People’s Democracies”
- The Date Question
- The “Workers’ Government”
- Bureaucratic Revolution
- Trotsky on China
- The End of the Fourth International
- The Petty-Bourgeois Vanguard
- Pabloism Summed Up.
Chapter 8 - The Breakdown of Stalinism PDF
1. Programs for Reform
- Solidarity and the MKS
- Self-Management Proposals
- Self-Management in Practice
- The Novosibirsk Report
- Gorbachev’s Perestroika
- Perestroika and Glasnost.
2. Post-Stalinist Capitalism
- The Reforms Elsewhere
- The Future of Post-Stalinism
- Reforms and the Nature of Stalinism.
3. Program for Revolution
- Social vs. Political Revolution
- Transitional Demands
- Workers’ Soviets
- Internationalism
- Democracy vs. Revolution
- Rank and Filism vs. Revolution
- In Conclusion.