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LRP/COFI Archives

Chronological Index | Subject Index

The Struggle for the Revolutionary Party – Fall 1976

Class Struggle in the U.S. South. Part 1: The “New South” and the Old Capitalism – Winter 1977

Class Struggle in the U.S. South. Part 2: Revolutionary Perspectives for Southern Labor – Spring 1977

Jimmy Carter’s New “New South”: the World – Summer 1977

Was Trotsky a Pabloite? – Summer 1977

The Sadlowski Campaign: U.S. Labor and the Left – Fall 1977

The Labor Party in the United States – Spring 1978

Exchange on State Capitalism: Is Nationalized Property Proletarian? – Spring 1978

Carter’s Twisting African Policy (by Sy Landy) – Fall 1978

“Workers’ Government” vs. Workers’ State: Myth and Reality of the Transitional Program – Fall 1979

Imperialists Open Cold War – January 1980

Carter Doctrine: Cold War and Class War – February 1980

“No Draft” Is No Answer to War Moves (by Sy Landy) – February 1980

A Dialogue On Conscription (by Sy Landy) – March 1980

What is the Anti-Draft Movement? – Summer 1980

Afghanistan and Pseudo-Trotskyism – Summer 1980

For a General Strike in Britain – Summer 1980

Polish Workers Shake the World, includes The Great Contradiction, The Crisis of Stalinism and U.S. Left in Disarray – Fall 1980

Socialist Voice No. 10, complete PDF (includes the text of the August 19980 Gdansk Accords) – Fall 1980

Poland: Church and State vs. Workers – Spring 1981

Iran: Revolution, War and Counterrevolution – Winter 1981

The Hostage Hustle – Spring 1981

Left Betrays Salvador Revolution – Summer 1981

The Counterrevolution in Iran – Fall 1981

Iran, Poland: Pseudo-Trotskyists Embrace Counterrevolution PDF – Winter 1982

Polish Workers Under Siege – Winter 1982

How Kirkland Refuses to Stop Reagan’s Attacks, Winter 1982

Haitians Fight for Freedom – Spring 1982

Malvinas War Tests Leftists – Fall 1982

Workers Need International Unity – December 1982

Women’s Gains Face Capitalist Attacks PDF – Winter 1983

Black Upsurge Meets Electoral Trap – Summer 1983

Warsaw Ghetto Fighters – Summer 1983

Karl Marx and the World Crisis – Summer 1983

The Farrakhan Fracas: Blacks, Jews and Nationalism – Fall 1984

Democratic Party: Disaster for Blacks – Winter 1984

RCP: Socialist or Social-Imperialist? – Winter 1984

The Malvinas War Revisited – Spring 1984

Left Sinks into Democrats’ Swamp – Spring 1984

Election ’84: Jackson Helps Democrats Move Right – Fall 1984

Workers Power (Britain): A Powerless Answer to Reformism – Spring 1985

South Africa: Divestment vs. Revolution PDF – Summer 1985

Communist Work in the Trade Unions (Exchange with the Austrian IKL) – Winter 1986 PDF

The Battle of Hormel: General Strike Against Concessions! Workers Need a New Fighting Leadership! PDF – Summer 1986 PDF

Porn, Feminism & the Meese Report – Winter 1987

Re-Create the Fourth International! – Spring 1987

Bolivia: The Revolution the “Fourth International” Betrayed (complete LRP pamphlet) – March 1987

Gorbachev’s “Revolution”: Can Russia Be Reformed? – Winter 1987

International Women’s Day – Spring 1987

Marx’s Bolivar Meets Moreno’s Bolivar – Summer 1987

Exchange on Trotskyism (with MRCI) PDF – Fall 1987

Jackson: Razing Hopes – Spring 1988

The Democrats’ Jackson Dilemma – Fall 1988

NYC Transit: Reformists No Answer to Bureaucrats PDF (scan) – Winter 1989

Women and the Capitalist Family: The Ties that Bind – Summer 1989

Revolution Sweeps East Europe – Winter 1990

Left and East Europe – Winter 1990

The Rape of Panama – Winter 1990

Foreword to The Life and Death of Stalinism (by Sy Landy) – February 1990

Theories of Stalinism – Introduction to The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Contradictions of Capitalism – Chapter One of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Revolutionary Epoch – Chapter Two of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Transition to Socialism PDF – Chapter Three of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Stalinist Counterrevolution PDF – Chapter Four of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

Stalinist Capitalism PDF – Chapter Five of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

Stalinism and the Postwar World PDF – Chapter Six of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Degeneration of Trotskyism PDF – Chapter Seven of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

The Breakdown of Stalinism PDF – Chapter Eight of The Life and Death of Stalinism – 1990

New Book on Marxist Theory: The Life and Death of Stalinism – Fall 1990

The Real Anti-War Scandal – Winter 1991

Death Agony of a Deformed Theory – Winter 1991

Natalia Trotsky’s Break with the Soviet Defensists: In Defense of Trotskyism – written in 1951, published by the LRP in Winter 1991

Cuba Faces U.S. Threat: "Socialism in One Country" No Answer – Spring 1991

Behind the Black/Jewish Confrontation: Racist Offensive Heightens – Fall 1991

Religion, the Veil and the Workers’ Movement PDF (LRP/COFI pamphlet) – April 1992

The Divide-and Conquer Election – Spring 1992

Spike Lee vs. Malcolm X PDF – Spring 1993

Gay Struggle Meets Democrats’ Deathtrap – Spring 1993

Clinton and Gay Rights: The Big Lie – Summer 1993

Preface to the Swedish Edition of The Life and Death of Stalinism – in English, March 1993

Vietnam: the 'Working-Class War' – Fall 1993

The Leninist Concept of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party – by the Revolutionary Party Tendency in the Workers Revolution Group, Australia, 1993

Centrality of the Revolutionary Party – Spring 1994

Gun Control Is No Answer to Crime – Spring 1994

NWROC’s ‘Action’ vs. Workers’ Revolution PDF (scan) – Spring 1994

CLR James and State Capitalism – prepared text of talk by Walter Daum at CLR James panel at Socialist Scholars Conference, New York, April 2, 1994

Joblessness: Capitalist Crime – Summer 1994

The Chiapas Uprising and the Mexican Revolution – Summer 1994

Haitian Masses, Yes! U.S./Aristide, No! – Spring 1995

The Second Mexican Revolution – Summer 1995

Farrakhan No Answer to Racism – Fall 1995

ISO's Right Turn to Labor – Spring 1996

Britain: Death Agony of the Labour Left – Summer 1996

Local 100 Hacks, Old and New, Play Bosses’ Game – Summer 1996

Democratic Party Advocates Found “Labor Party” – Summer 1996

Transit Workers Railroaded with Slave-Labor Contract – Winter 1997

Twenty Years of the LRP – Winter 1997

China's Capitalist Revolutions – Winter 1997

Palestinians Explode "Peace Process" – Winter 1997

Marxism, Interracialism, and the Black Struggle (text of pamphlet by Sy Landy) – April 1997

Stop Workfare – Jobs for All! – Spring 1997

Revolutionary Campaign in New York Transit – Spring 1997

End Anti-Immigrant Attacks! – Fall 1997

Congo Upheaval: Revolutionary Prospects – Fall 1997

Propaganda and Agitation in Building the Revolutionary Party – Spring 1998

Government Out of the Teamsters! PDF, including “Marxism and the Capitalist State” and “Squeals from Carey’s Left Chorus” – Spring 1998

Racist Murder Demands Self-Defense – Summer/Fall 1998

KKK March Halted in Cicero – Summer/Fall 1998

Indonesia's Revolutionary Crisis – Summer/Fall 1998

New York Transit: No New Direction – Summer/Fall 1998

Why Has the LRP Been Isolated? – Summer/Fall 1998

The Specter of Economic Collapse – Winter 1999

In and Out of the German ISO – Winter 1999

Today’s Black Leadership Crisis – Winter 1999

Theses-Statement on the Pinochet Extradition Question – April 1, 1999

LRP Statement Against U.S./NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia – April 16, 1999

Real Jobs, Not Workfare – Stop WEP Slave Labor! – Written by a shop steward in the Track Division of TWU Local 100, 5/6/99

Hillary Is No Alternative to Giuliani – Protest CCNY's Honoring Hillary Clinton! – From the City College of New York fraction of the LRP, May 1999

Introduction to The Specter of Economic Collapse – May 1999

U.S./NATO/U.N. Imperialists: Out of the Balkans! – LRP statement against the imperialist "peace" settlement in the Balkans, issued 6/4/99

Letter of Solidarity to the Committee to Defend José Solís – Issued by the LRP in Chicago and New York, 6/3/99

What Is Proletarian Interracialism? – June 1999

Fight Police Terror! (pamphlet) PDF – June 1999

Self-Determination and Military Defense: The Marxist Method – Summer 1999

Defending Mumia: Mass Mobilization is Key – Summer 1999

Moratorium Debate in Illinois: Abolish Capitalism's Racist Death Penalty – Summer 1999

Mass Action to Fight Police Brutality – LRP Special Bulletin, Chicago 7/17/99, on the recent spate of racist murders by Chicago police

No Peace With Fascists! – LRP Special Bulletin distributed at Washington DC rally against the neo-Nazi American Nationalist Party, 8/7/99

Statement of Solidarity with the Iranian Students Fighting the Autocratic Regime of Khamenei/Khatemi – COFI statement issued 8/99

Indonesia Out of East Timor! Imperialist Hands Off! – LRP statement issued 9/16/99

The War over Kosovo: Exchange between News & Letters and Proletarian Revolution

Defeat Anti-Immigrant Attacks! – distributed at the March for Dignity and Amnesty in Washington DC, 10/16/99

A Dossier on our Involvement in the New York City Transit Contract Fight – October 1999 - January 2000

U.S. Military Out of Vieques! – January 16, 2000

Battle over Seattle – Winter 2000

New York: Why the Klan Wasn't Smashed – Winter 2000

Workers Vanguard's Fabrications – Winter 2000

Reformism, Nationalism No Answers to IMF Bloodsuckers: Abroad and at Home, Imperialist Capitalism is the Enemy! – LRP Bulletin, 4/11/2000

A Revolutionary View: Mass Mobilization to Oust Giuliani – LRP Special Bulletin, 4/20/2000

Forward to a New General Strike! U.S. Military Out of Vieques and All of Puerto Rico! – 5/20/2000 update

Stalinist Expansion, the Fourth International and the Working Class – June 2000, from Tribuna de Debates

Protest ISO Thuggery! – June 12, 2000

ISO vs. SWP: Who's More Opportunist? – Summer 2000

April in Washington: From Battle in Seattle to Fizzle in the Drizzle – Summer 2000

U.S. Intervention Threatens Colombia – Summer 2000

Puerto Rico: For Mass Action Against U.S. Imperialism – Summer 2000

Boycott Strategy is a Diversion – Summer 2000

LRP Statement on the Call for an International Debate Conference – July 20, 2000

Reply to Oleg Shein on Chechnya – LRP/COFI statement, October 2000

Racism Rules: The Fraud of U.S. Democracy – Winter 2001

Defend the Palestinian Intifada – Winter 2001

Nader: Saving Capitalist America from Itself – Winter 2001

Letter from a Puerto Rican Revolutionary Worker – 19 March 2001

Free Mario Bango! – 13 April 2001

No to the Arrest and Indictment of the Criminal Milosevic! – COFI statement, 15 April 2001

Will Labor Notes Make Their Criticisms of Roger Toussaint to His Face?Revolutionary Transit Worker Special Bulletin for the Labor Notes Conference, April 20-22, 2001

For Socialist Revolution to End Capitalist Misery! Down With Imperialist "Free Trade"! – Special Anti-FTAA Bulletin, April 2001

Let's Make 'M1' the Start of the Workers' Fightback! – COFI-Australia bulletin, 1 May 2001.

Correspondence with Comrade Daniel Bengoechea – May 2001.

Long Live the Rebellion Against Racist Police Terror! – LRP bulletin, May 31, 2001.

Open Letter From Three Former ISO Members – Distributed at the ISO's "Socialist Summer School," June 16, 2001

The Downfall of the USSR and its Consequences in Marxist Thought – article by Daniel Bengoechea, editor of Solidaridad, July 2001

Where We Stand: No to New Reformist Parties! – Fall 2001

Lessons From Cincinnati: Rebellion Against Police Terror – Fall 2001

New Bureaucracy Threatens Workers' Militancy: Overturn in New York Transit Union – Fall 2001

Revolutionary vs. Reformist Methods in the Unions – Fall 2001

Behind the Terror Attacks Stands Bloody U.S. Imperialism – LRP statement, September 13, 2001

Stop the Imperialist War on Afghanistan! – LRP statement, October 8, 2001

New York Post Attacks CUNY War Opponents: LRP'er, Others Target of Threats – LRP statement, October 17, 2001

What's Wrong with the "New York City Labor Against the War" Statement? – Statement by supporters of the LRP, November 4, 2001

Imperialism Bolsters its Ideological Props – LRP statement on ACTA report, December 23, 2001

U.S. Out of Afghanistan! Defeat Imperialism! Re-Create the Fourth International! – LRP statement, December 2001

Anti-Capitalist Struggle Needs Revolutionary Strategy and Leadership – LRP statement for protests against the World Economic Forum, January 30, 2002

Argentina: Crisis and Revolutionary Program – February 26, 2002

Capitalism Breeds Injustice: Free CCNY Student Reem Khalil! Free All the Detainees! – LRP statement, March 14, 2002

LRP Reply to Vicente Balvanera – March 2002

LRP/COFI Statement Concerning the Second Round of the French Elections – May Day, 2002

LRP/COFI Statement on Fascists and United Front and Practical Bloc Actions – May 2, 2002

Argentina: IMF vs. Working Class – May 2, 2002

For Arab Workers' Revolution To Smash Israeli/U.S. Terror! – May 6, 2002

Repudiate the Imperialist Debt! – May 12, 2002

Stop U.S. Attacks on Immigrants! – Spring 2002

Black Liberation Through Socialist Revolution! – LRP Statement, August 16, 2002, distributed at the "Millions for Reparations" rally in Washington DC

COFI-Germany Declaration on the Federal Elections – August 30, 2002

No U.S. War Against Iraq! – LRP Statement, September 2002

Police Terror Since September 11: The Red, White and Blue Wall of Silence – Fall 2002

Theories of Stalinism's Collapse – Fall 2002

Palestinian Mass Struggle: Enemies Within and Without – Fall 2002

Spartacist Chauvinism on Immigration, Palestine – Fall 2002

1199 Leadership Betrays the Fight: Stop the U.S. War Against Iraq! – LRP Statement, November 11, 2002

Protest ISO Cop-Baiting and Thuggery! – November 22, 2002

Defend Iraq from U.S. Imperialist Attack! – December 2002

General Strike Against Capitalist Attacks! – December 16, 2002

Letter to the Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI, Argentina) – December 26, 2002

New York: Union Tops Sabotage Transit Struggle – Winter 2003

Left Strikes Out in TWU Struggle – Winter 2003

"No Draft" Is No Answer! – Winter 2003

Why Marxists Are Atheists – Winter 2003

Lessons of the Vietnam Movement – Winter 2003

COFI Declaration on the War Against Iraq – March 16, 2003

Defend Iraq – Defeat U.S. Imperialism! – LRP Bulletin, March 21, 2003

Why We Say “Defend Iraq - Defeat U.S. Imperialism!” – Spring 2003

Stop the War on Immigrants! – Spring 2003

Movements, Misleaders and the Role of Revolutionaries: Spartacist Anti-LRP Polemics Backfire – Spring 2003

The Capitalist Fear of War and Revolution – Spring 2003

Defend the Brukman Factory Workers and Supporters! – April 23, 2003

For a General Strike Against Layoffs and Budget Cuts – April 29, 2003

LRP Trounces SL in Imperialism Debate – LRP Statement, May 22, 2003

For Mass Struggle Against Racist Police Terror! – LRP Bulletin, May 25, 2003

The Fight Against Imperialist War: Which Way Forward?, complete transcript of LRP/SL debate – 2003

LRP/COFI Statement on the Ukrainian “RWO” – August 21, 2003

U.S. Out of Iraq! – Summer-Fall 2003

Spartacists Claim “No Victory” – Summer-Fall 2003

Black Liberation and the Working Class – Summer-Fall 2003

PTS and the Boycott Tactic: Lessons of the Argentine Elections – Summer-Fall 2003

On the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising – Summer-Fall 2003

Stop the Racist War on Immigrants! Workers Mass Action Needed! – October 4, 2003

CTU Must Prepare to Strike! – November 5, 2003

Al Richardson 1941-2003 – November 2003

Bush’s “Road Map” Plan Fails, Palestinians Suffer the Consequences – November 2003

Lessons of the California Recall – December 2003

Iraq Occupation in Disarray – Winter 2004

Anti-War Leaders Divert Struggle – Summer-Fall 2003

Bolivia's Unfinished Revolution – Winter 2004

CWI Group Guilty of Ukraine Fraud – Winter 2004

Open Letter to the CWI – Winter 2004

CWI Fraud Continues – March 15, 2004

On the slogan “End all Restrictions on Immigrants and Refugees” – Winter 2004

The Leninist Position on Conscription – Winter 2004

CWI Fraud Continues – March 15, 2004

U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! – Spring 2004

Brazil: Workers' Party Betrays Workers – Spring 2004

U.S. Sponsors Death-Squad Coup in Haiti – Spring 2004

Imperialism's China Card – Spring 2004

Defend Gay Marriage – Spring 2004

Democratic Party “Leninists” – Spring 2004

A Dialogue on the Democrats – Spring 2004

Behind the California Supermarket Strike – Spring 20004

Local 1199: Vote No on Givebacks! Prepare for a Strike! – May 17, 2004

Walter Daum vs. John Kerry: LRP Revolutionary in Face-to-Face Confrontation with Democratic Presidential Candidate over Iraq – Summer 2004

ISO Fibs: “We Protested Kerry Too” – Summer 2004

Dominican Crisis Demands Revolutionary Solution – Summer 2004

No Choice in 2004 Election – Bush, Kerry Demand War, Austerity – Summer 2004

Gay Marriage Faces Bipartisan Opposition – Summer 2004

Israel’s New Assaults on Palestine – Summer 2004

Political Resolution of the Communist Organization for the Fourth International – expanded from the founding Political Resolution and adopted in 2003 (posted July 2004)

Iran: Walking on One Leg – August 11, 2004

ISO: Endorsing the Lesser Imperialist – September, 2004

Reproductive Rights Under Attack – September, 2004

Tsunami: Natural Disaster, Capitalist Crime – January 13, 2005

U.S. Imperialism in Iraq: Bloody War, Phony Election – December 9, 2004

Why “No Draft” Is No Answer – Winter 2005

Bolivia: Revolutionary Prospects and Reactionary Threats – March 8, 2005

Our Political Break with Anton Holberg – March 15, 2005

Cosby’s Campaign Against “Lower Economic People” – Spring 2005

Enter the Dragon: China’s New Proletariat – Spring 2005

“Progressive” Union Leaders Betray Hotel Strike – Spring 2005

CCNY, Cops Assault Anti-War Demonstrators – March 19, 2005

CCNY Administration Retreats under Pressure – April 23, 2005

Support Carol Lang’s Fight for Backpay! – May 31, 2005

City College Steps Up Repression Against Anti-War Protesters! – June 11, 2005

Bolivian Workers Need a Revolutionary Party – August 9, 2005

CCNY Cracks Down on Anti-Military Protesters – September 5, 2005

The Gulf Coast Catastrophe – Racist Capitalism’s “Perfect Storm” – Fall 2005

FBI Death Squad Assassinates Puerto Rican Independence Fighter – October 4, 2005

Bolivian Upheaval and the Encuentro Continental – Fall 2005

Social Security under Attack – Fall 2005

David Melamed Memorial Talk – November 20, 2005

Defend Carol Lang! – February 6, 2006

Bush on the Run – Winter 2006

Katrina Survivors Still Under Attack – Winter 2006

New York Transit Strike Shows Working-Class Power – Winter 2006

Capitalism is the Problem: Workers’ Socialist Revolution is the Solution – February 21, 2006

The League for the Revolutionary Party – Who We Are and What We Stand For – February 21, 2006

Toussaint’s Contract Opponents – February 21, 2006

On the Racist Anti-Muslim Cartoons – March 23, 2006

Millions March for Immigrant Rights – April 21, 2006

New York Transit Workers Get Raw Deal – April 22, 2006

Auto Workers’ Resistance Grows – Spring 2006

Protest Execution of Iranian Gays! U.S. Imperialism: Hands off Iran! – July 19, 2006

Lebanon: Imperialism Beaten Back – August 25, 2006

Carol Lang Loses Case in Arbitration – October 15, 2006

Political Crisis in Mexico: Defend the Oaxaca Popular Assembly! – Fall 2006

Democrats and Republicans, Enemies of Immigrant Workers – Fall 2006

Mumia Abu Jamal: The Fight for Freedom – Fall 2006

In Defense of Bolshevik Military Policy: Once Again on Conscription – Fall 2006

Remember the Hungarian Revolution! – Fall 2006

Stop Racist Police Terror! – December 6, 2006

U.S. Rulers Switch Horses in Midterm – Winter 2007

Mexico: Lessons of 2006 – Winter 2007

Morales/Shakur Center at CCNY Under Attack – Winter 2007

Immigrant Workers and the Democratic Party Hoax – Winter 2007

Mobilize Immigrant Workers’ Power! – May 1, 2007

Free Rony Cueto! Support the Struggles of Workers in Peru! – July 15, 2007

A reply to the Trotskyist Fraction’s International Appeal – July 16, 2007

Rony Cueto is Free! – August 5, 2007

Imperialist Carnage in Iraq Continues – Fall 2007

Venezuela: Chávez vs. Working Class – Fall 2007

Double Talk on the Party – Fall 2007

Immigrant Workers Face Crackdown – Fall 2007

Defend Iran against U.S. Imperialism! Correspondence with WCPI – Fall 2007

Sy Landy, 1931-2007 – December 9, 2007

Big Wage Raise – or Strike! – December 12, 2007

Big Wage Raise – or Strike! – December 20, 2007

Contract Debacle in Auto – December 2007

South African Public Worker Strike: Militancy Thwarted by Reformism – Fall 2007

Reinstate Orlando Chirino! A Statement of International Solidarity from the LRP-COFI – February 13, 2008

The Fight for the Revolutionary Party: Sy Landy, 1931-2007 – Spring 2008

Revolutionary Program for Cuba – Spring 2008

Election ’08 Won’t Win Real Change – Spring 2008

Join the fight for Mumia’s Freedom! April 19 in Philadelphia! – April 8, 2008

Venezuelan Workers and the Referendum: No to Chávez, Yes to Socialism! – Spring 2008

Auto Workers Betrayed – Again – Spring 2008

Stop the War on Immigrants! – May 1, 2008

Obama and Racist America – Spring 2008

Exchange between LRP and Batay Ouvriye – July 2008

LRP Supporter Wins Transit Union Post – July 2008

Defend the Workers, Peasants and Indigenous Peoples of Bolivia! Mass Leaders Must Organize a National Defense Now! – August 9, 2008

Anti-War Conference Clashes Over Afghanistan, Democrats – Summer, 2008

No Support to Capitalist Parties! – Summer, 2008

Haitian-Dominican Solidarity Against Deportations – August 2008

League for the Revolutionary Party Statement on the Russia-Georgia War – September 1, 2008

Bankrupt Capitalism Threatens Depression – November 2008

Response to Spartacist Slanders about RTW – January 2, 2009

Defeat Israeli and U.S. Imperialism – Stop the Slaughter in Gaza! – January 9, 2009

Justice for Oscar Grant and All Victims of Racist Cop Terror! – January 19, 2009

Workers and Youth, Unite to Stop the Cuts! – March 5, 2009

Complete, Unconditional Amnesty for All Immigrants Now! – March 5, 2009

Down with the Ban on Gay Marriage! – May 26, 2009

Lessons of the Republic Windows Factory Occupation – June 2009

EFCA: A Trap for Workers – June 21, 2009

After the Massacre – The Future of Palestine – July 2, 2009

Keep Stella D’oro Open - No Layoffs, No Concessions, No Closure! – August 11, 2009

Stop October Closing of Stella D’Oro! – September 2009

Union Leaders Must Mobilize Labor to Stop the Stella D’oro Shutdown! – September 12, 2009

Stop U.S./Israeli War Threats against Iran!, a joint declaration of the LRP (U.S.) and the ISL (Israel/Occupied Palestine) – October 4, 2009

Report on Political Discussions Between the League for the Revolutionary Party (U.S.) and the Internationalist Socialist League (Israel/Occupied Palestine): A Joint Statement by the LRP and ISL – October 8, 2009

Barack Obama: Wall Street’s Warrior – Winter 2010

Obama Backs Reaction in Honduras – Winter 2010

The Auto Crisis – Winter 2010

Marxist Analysis of the Capitalist Crisis: Bankrupt System Drives Toward Depression PDF (also includes “What Marx Really Said about Crises”) – Winter 2010

Before and After the Earthquake – Imperialism Devastated Haiti – February 15, 2010

Immigrants’ Rights Are Workers’ Rights! (includes No to the Pentagon’s “Dream Act”) – May 1, 2010

Stop the Capitalist War on Immigrants! Unconditional Amnesty for All! – May 29, 2010

Zionist Massacre on the High Seas – June 4, 2010

The Class Struggle in Britain – June 20, 2010

The Saville Report on the Bloody Sunday Massacre – June 26, 2010

A Marxist Analysis of the Tea Party Movement – June 2010

Catholic Ghettos Erupt in Face of Orange Provocation and Police Brutality – August 8, 2010

The Gulf Oil Spill – A Capitalist Crime – September 6, 2010

Down with Racism and National Chauvinism! Statement of the League for the Revolutionary Party on the “Ground Zero Mosque” – September 2010

Voting for Democrats Will Never Win Jobs! – October 2, 2010

Venezuela: Dwindling Support for Chávez’s Fake Socialism – Workers’ Revolution is the Answer for Workers and the Poor! – October 16, 2010

Millions Protest to Defend Retirement: French Workers Strike Back – October 29, 2010

Mumia in Danger! – October 31, 2010

Fight Political Repression! – November 2, 2010

As European Workers Battle Austerity: World Economic Crisis Resurges – Fall 2010

The Opening Salvo: The Working Class Must Rule China! – Fall 2010

Report by the League for the Revolutionary Party on “The Economic Crisis and Left Responses” conference – November 30, 2010

Marx’s Revolutionary Economic Theory and Program (Presentation by Walter Daum to the Conference on The Economic Crisis and Left Responses) – November 30, 2010

Massive Protest Against Austerity in Ireland – December 3, 2010

Spanish Air Controllers’ Defeated Strike – December 12, 2010

Tunisia’s Revolution in Danger – January 28, 2011

To the Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt – February 8, 2011

Vote Jason Hicks for Vice-Chair, Track Division – February 13, 2011

On the United Left Alliance: How to Fight the Austerity Attacks – February 18, 2011

The Egyptian Revolution Must Advance – or It Will Be Defeated – February 19, 2011

Stop the War on the Working Class! Battle Line Drawn in Wisconsin – March 8, 2011

Wisconsin: A Tale of Betrayal – April 1, 2011

Down with the Imperialist Intervention in Libya! For Workers’ Revolutions Across North Africa and the Middle East! – April 6, 2011.

May Day 2011: Immigrant Workers and the U.S. Class Struggle – April 22, 2011

2011 – Year of Mass Struggle – Spring 2011

After Wisconsin, Attacks on Unions Mount – Spring 2011

Socialists Cover for Chicago Teachers Union Sellout, Democratic Politicians – April 30, 2011

Long Live May Day! Long Live the International Socialist Revolution! – May 1, 2011

Reject SB 7! Repudiate the Rotten Deal! CTU Must Start the Fightback with Mass Protest! – May 4, 2011

Democrats and Republicans Are on the Attack – Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers? HELL NO! – May 12, 2011

For the Return of All the Palestinian Refugees to Their Lands and Homes! Socialist Revolution Is the Only Solution! – May 14, 2011

Democrats and Republicans Are on the Attack! Billions for Bankers, Cutbacks for Workers? HELL NO! PDF – June 14, 2011

Report on Immigrant Rights Conference – June 27, 2011

Israelis Demand Social Justice – But What of the Palestinians? – August 9, 2011

Facts Against Fictions – The ISL Responds to CWI Charges that It Lied about Their Israeli Group – August 24, 2011

An Open Letter to As'ad AbuKhalil: Can Israeli Protests Aid Palestinian Liberation? – August 2011

On the Palestinian Authority’s UN Bid for Statehood – No to the Sellout of Palestinian Rights! For a Palestinian State from the River to the Sea! – September 18, 2011

Troy Davis: Victim of Capitalism’s Racist Death Penalty! – September 22, 2011

The “Occupy Wall Street” Protests: Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers and Youth? HELL NO! – October 3, 2011

On the Prisoner Exchange Deal and the Palestinian Hunger Strike – October 18, 2011

NYC Central Labor Council Votes for Massive March on Wall Street – October 20, 2011

Behind Washington’s War on Workers and the Poor – November 1, 2011

NYC Union Leaders Stall Working-Class Fightback – November 3, 2011

March Against Wall Street On November 17!, Bulletin of the League for the Revolutionary Party announcing the LRP contingent at the November 17th rally at Foley Square in New York – November 13, 2011

“Occupy Wall Street” at a Turning Point – For a Strategy of Mass Action by the Working Class and Poor! – November 17, 2011

Defend SEIU Local 32BJ Against the Bosses’ Attacks! Workers Need a United Fightback!, LRP Bulletin No. 1 (32BJ contract struggle) – December 1, 2011

Real Estate Bosses Are on the Attack – 32BJ Workers Must Demand a Serious Strike Strategy!, LRP Bulletin No. 2 (32BJ contract struggle) – December 14, 2011

Real Estate Bosses Are on the Attack – If There is a Strike, 32BJ Must Have a Plan to Win!, LRP Bulletin No. 3 (32BJ contract struggle) – December 28, 2011

“Occupy” Movement Rattles Chinese Rulers – December 2011

The Truth about Fishman’s Sellout – Proposed Contract for 32BJ Will Leave Workers Behind, LRP Bulletin No. 4 (32BJ contract struggle) – January 13, 2012

Occupy Wall Street: A Marxist Assessment – March 1, 2012

Trotsky on the 98% – March 1, 2012

Land Day 2012: Only the Workers and Poor People Can Lead the Arab Revolutions to Victory! (by the Internationalist Socialist League) – March 30, 2012

Rising Attacks on Immigrants Show Obama Is No Alternative to Republicans – April 29, 2012

The Meaning of May Day – April 29, 2012

For Liberation From Oppression and Poverty – Socialist Revolution is the Solution!, 2012 May Day statement by the Internationalist Socialist League (Israel/Occupied Palestine) – April 29, 2012

Egypt: In the Face of the Coup – Boycott, Protest the Presidential Elections! – June 15, 2012

Defeat the Bosses with Working-Class Solidarity! Defend Con Ed Workers! (Con Ed Workers’ Struggle, Bulletin No. 1) – July 7, 2012

There Can be No Social Justice While the Palestinians Are Oppressed! – July 14, 2012

Europe: Capitalism’s Noose Tightens – Elections and the Struggle against Austerity – July 18, 2012

Defend Pensions For All Workers – Reject the Two Tier Contract! Vote No! (Con Ed Workers’ Struggle, Bulletin No. 2) – August 3, 2012

Police Massacre Striking Miners: South African, U.S. Union Leaders Complicit – August 23, 2012

2012 Election: Obama No Answer to Republican Reactionaries – September 3, 2012

Imperialist War Criminals Target Whistleblowers: Free Bradley Manning! Hands Off Julian Assange! PDF – September 12, 2012

Democrats and Republicans: Silence on Drone Strikes – September 15, 2012

Revolutionary Transit Worker Denounces Anti-Muslim Ads – September 29, 2012

Protest the Repression of the Left in China! – October 28, 2012

The Zionist State Tries to Break Gaza Again – and Fails Again – November 23, 2012

Defend Austrian Palestine Solidarity Activist! – December 15, 2012

Superstorm Exposes Capitalist Decay – December 28, 2012

Down with the Imperialist Intervention in Mali! – February 6, 2013

Freedom for Samer Issawi and All Palestinian Political Prisoners! – February 12, 2013

Fiscal Cliff Deal Sets Up More Attacks on Workers – February 12, 2013

A Response to Questions from Readers regarding our statement on the imperialist intevention in Mali – February 17, 2013

The Fight Against Racist Police Terror PDF – February 23, 2013

In Response to the ISL’s Break from the LRP – March 4, 2013

Justice for Kimani Gray! Protest Police Terror! – March 21, 2013

Stop the Deportations! No to the Repressive “Reform” Bill! Amnesty and Equal Rights for All Immigrants! – April 21, 2013

U.S. Imperialism – Hands Off Korea! – May 22, 2013

Bolivian Workers’ Struggle Exposes Morales Government – May 24, 2013

Anti-Muslim Bigotry & the War on Civil Liberties: After the Boston Bombing – May 25, 2013

America’s Racist Injustice System: Trayvon Martin’s Murderer Goes Free – July 17, 2013

Senate Immigration “Reform” Bill Steps Up Repressive Measures – July 30, 2013

Government Spies Collect “Nearly Everything”: Big Brother USA – August 17, 2013

Defend the Syrian Revolution Against All its Enemies – Imperialism, Assad and Reactionary Islamists! – August 31, 2013

Gun Control, “Stand Your Ground” and Self-Defense: Justice for Trayvon Martin! – August 17, 2013

Kick Petraeus Out of CUNY! Drop the Charges Against the “CUNY 6” Protesters! – September 22, 2013

Restore the Morales/Shakur Center – November 4, 2013

Middle East Revolutions at a Crossroads – For Solidarity and the Strategy of Permanent Revolution – November 17, 2013

Stop the Attacks on Haitians in the Dominican Republic! – December 6, 2013

Drop All Charges Against Workers of Las Heras, Argentina! – January 12, 2014

New York Mayoral Election: “Progressive” de Blasio Dashes Hopes – February 5, 2014

The Socialist Victory in Seattle: A Marxist View – February 5, 2014

On the Crisis in Ukraine – March 18, 2014

Call to Action: Support Shahrokh Zamani, Statement by a Number of Writers, Journalists, Political Activists, and Labor Activists – April 7, 2014

Ukraine Fraudsters Again – April 2014

Revolutionary Answer to the Anti-Immigrant Attacks – May 1, 2014

Class Struggle at CUNY – May 1, 2014

Reply to the Internationalist Group: For Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants – May 1, 2014

Marx, Engels, Lenin & Trotsky on Amnesty – May 1, 2014

Between Imperialisms: Upheaval in Ukraine and the Left – May 25, 2014

Ukraine’s “Left Opposition” – May 25, 2014

Workers Power’s Fraudulent “Anti-Fascism” – June 2014

A Working-Class Revolutionary View: Solidarity with the Ferguson Rebellion! – August 23, 2014

A Revolutionary View: Behind the New U.S. War in Iraq and Syria – September 25, 2014

The Green Campaign: A Diversion from Working Class Struggle – Fall 2014

LRP Bulletin, Fall 2014, includes “The Green Campaign: A Diversion from Working Class Struggle” PDF

“We Can’t Breathe!” Racist Cops & Courts Enforce the Capitalist System Choking Blacks & Latinos, the Working Class & Youth – December 13, 2014

Black Women’s Lives Matter! – December 28, 2014

No Return to the Cops’ War on Blacks, Latinos & the Poor! – January 2, 2015

How Many More Dead Eric Garners Does Mayor de Blasio Want? – January 19, 2015

Stop de Blasio’s Green Light to Racist Police Injustice! For a Motion to Revive the Protest Movement with a Mass March on City Hall – January 30, 2015

Fare Hike Chokes NYC Working Class – March 22, 2015

From Mass Drowning in the Mediterranean to Deaths along the U.S.-Mexico Border, Imperialism Means Barbarism at Home and Abroad (May Day statement, 2015) – April 27, 2015

Statement from Baltimore Fightback – April 29, 2015

It Was Right to Rebel!, leaflet distributed by in Baltimore – May 2, 2015

The Left’s “Independent Political Action” Scams – July 1, 2015

As PSC Gears Up for a Strike Vote at CUNY: A Fight To Defend Workers and Students Can Win! – December 6, 2015

What Way Forward for the Struggle Against Racist Terror and Exploitation? – December 9, 2015

Clinton, Sanders – No Answer to the Right-Wing Menace – March 31, 2016

Barbaric Treatment of Refugees Exposes Inhumanity of Capitalism  – May 1, 2016

ISO Covers for CTU Leaders’ Non-Defense of Black Militant – May 19, 2016

Left Forum Honors Chauvinist Žižek – May 28, 2016

Black Lives Matter! But Nothing Has Changed – Where is the Struggle Going? – July 25, 2016

Trump vs. Clinton: Pick Your Poison – November 3, 2016

The Democrats Delivered Us This Evil: Now Only Mass Struggle Can Beat Back Trump’s Impending Attacks! – November 13, 2016

We Must Build Mass Struggles to Stop Trump’s Attacks, leaflet distributed in Washington DC on January 20 & 21, 2017

Protests Must Grow into Massive Working-Class Struggles To Stop Trump’s Racist Anti-Worker Attacks! – May 1, 2017

Open Letter to TWU President John Samuelsen: Why Unions Must Call a March on Washington to Defend Healthcare – May 30, 2017

The Rise of Trumpism and the Crisis of Labor Leadership – June 3, 2017

Rally in Solidarity with Muslims Against the Racist “Anti-Sharia” March! – June 9, 2017

Vicious Tax Bill Steps Up Class War on Workers and Poor – January 3, 2018

The Dirty Truth Behind New York’s Transit Crisis (pamphlet) – January 15, 2018

West Virginia Teachers Defy Austerity, Government and Union Leaders – and Win! – April 7, 2018

Solidarity with the Student Protests Against the NRA and Republican Merchants of Death!  – April 8, 2018

Lessons of the "Red State" Strikes: Teachers Rebel Against Austerity – June 2018

No to Left Forum’s Normalization and Promotion of Ajamu Baraka, Apologist for Assad’s Genocidal Regime in Syria – June 8, 2018

BAR Slanders Left Forum Protest –– June 20, 2018

Kavanaugh Appointment Must Be Fought with Mass Protests! – September 12, 2018

Impeach the M*therf*cker! – July 12, 2019

Rethinking Voting for Capitalist Parties, Statement by the League for the Revolutionary Party – March 13, 2020

Vote Biden, a letter to the Weekly Worker by Walter Daum and Matt Roberts – April 20, 2020

Dump Trump!, a response to Daniel Lazare by Walter Daum and Matt Roberts – May 8, 2020

On the Attack on Robert Cuffy at the Mass March to Defund the NYPD – April 20, 2020

Roll Back Trump’s Attack on the Post Office! For a United Mass Struggle – September 18, 2020

Defeat Trump’s White-Supremacist Assault on Democracy! – October 15, 2020

The Stakes for the Working Class in the NYC Democratic Primary – June 21, 2021

Solidarity with the Myanmar Revolution! August 26, 2021

In Memoriam: Comrade Ann Baker August 30, 2021

Tornadoes Kill, Bosses Murder – January 3, 2022

Theses on the Ukraine War by the League for the Revolutionary Party – March  21,  2022

The Supreme Court Rules – July  5,  2022

On the 2022 U.S. National Elections – October 22, 2022

Report on the Protest Against the “Real Path to Peace in Ukraine” – November 27, 2022

Defeat Paul Vallas, Far-Right Attack-Dog of the Ruling Class – April 4 2023

Stop the Genocide – Cease-fire Now! For an Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Movement! – January 13, 2024

Theses on the French Elections and the New Popular Front – July 14, 2024