LRP-COFI Subject Index
The following is an alphabetical listing of various subjects, with links to materials on our website about each. A chronological listing of articles is also available.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, District Council 37 (AFSCME DC 37)
Anti-Globalization Movement
Aristide, Jean (see also Haiti)
Baraka, Ajamu
Batay Ouvriye (see also Haiti)
Black Radical Congress
Bolivar, Simon
Bratton, William (see also Police)
Bush, George W.
Chicago Teachers Union (CTU)
Clinton (Bill & Hillary) (see also Democratic Party)
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Communist Voice Organization
Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) see also Democratic Party
Constituent Assembly
Cosby, Bill
Critical Support
Davis, Troy
Death Penalty
Democratic Party (U.S.)
- Jimmy Carter’s New “New South”: the World
- Black Upsurge Meets Electoral Trap
- Democratic Party: Disaster for Blacks
- Left Sinks into Democrats’ Swamp
- Election ’84: Jackson Helps Democrats Move Right
- Jackson: Razing Hopes
- The Democrats’ Jackson Dilemma
- The Divide-and Conquer Election
- Gay Struggle Meets Democrats’ Deathtrap
- Democratic Party Advocates Found “Labor Party”
- Today’s Black Leadership
- New York: Why the Klan Wasn’t Smashed
- Racism Rules: The Fraud of U.S. Democracy
- “No Draft” Is No Answer!
- A Dialogue on the Democrats
- Democratic Party “Leninists”
- Walter Daum vs. John Kerry
- Social Security under Attack
- Democrats and Republicans, Enemies of Immigrant Workers
- Immigrant Workers and the Democratic Party Hoax
- “The Democrats’ Congressional Maneuvers”
- Election ’08 Won’t Win Real Change
- Obama and Racist America
- No Support to Capitalist Parties!
- Complete, Unconditional Amnesty for All Immigrants Now!
- Down with the Ban on Gay Marriage!
- Immigrants’ Rights Are Workers’ Rights!
- No to the Pentagon’s “Dream Act”
- Voting for Democrats Will Never Win Jobs!
- May Day 2011: Immigrant Workers and the U.S. Class Struggle
- Democrats and Republicans Are on the Attack – Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers? HELL NO! [May 12, 2011]
- Democrats and Republicans Are on the Attack! Billions for Bankers, Cutbacks for Workers? HELL NO! [June 14, 2011] PDF
- The “Occupy Wall Street” Protests: Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers and Youth? HELL NO!
- Behind Washington’s War on Workers and the Poor
- March Against Wall Street On November 17!
- “Occupy Wall Street” at a Turning Point – For a Strategy of Mass Action by the Working Class and Poor!
- Rising Attacks on Immigrants Show Obama Is No Alternative to Republicans
- 2012 Election: Obama No Answer to Republican Reactionaries
- Democrats and Republicans: Silence on Drone Strikes
- Fiscal Cliff Deal Sets Up More Attacks on Workers
- Senate Immigration “Reform” Bill Steps Up Repressive Measures
- New York Mayoral Election: “Progressive” de Blasio Dashes Hopes
- Clinton, Sanders – No Answer to the Right-Wing Menace
- Trump vs. Clinton: Pick Your Poison
- The Democrats Delivered Us This Evil: Now Only Mass Struggle Can Beat Back Trump’s Impending Attacks!
- We Must Build Mass Struggles to Stop Trump’s Attacks (leaflet distributed in Washington DC on January 20 & 21, 2017)
- Impeach the M*therf*cker!
- Defeat Trump’s White-Supremacist Assault on Democracy!
- On the 2022 U.S. National Elections – October 22, 2022
- Defeat Paul Vallas, Far-Right Attack-Dog of the Ruling Class –April 4 2023
Democratic Socialist Party (DSP-Australia)
Dominican Republic
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
Draft, The
East Timor
Economic Crisis
Education (see also CUNY)
El Salvador
- Racism Rules: The Fraud of U.S. Democracy
- LRP/COFI Statement Concerning the Second Round of the French Elections
- COFI-Germany Statement on the Federal Elections
- Letter to the Liga Obrera Internacionalista
- PTS and the Boycott Tactic: Lessons of the Argentine Elections
- Lessons of the California Recall
- A Dialogue on the Democrats
- No Choice in 2004 Election – Bush, Kerry Demand War, Austerity
- ISO: Endorsing the Lesser Imperialist
- Election ’08 Won’t Win Real Change
- No Support to Capitalist Parties!
- Europe: Capitalism’s Noose Tightens – Elections and the Struggle against Austerity
- 2012 Election: Obama No Answer to Republican Reactionaries
- The Left’s “Independent Political Action” Scams
- Clinton, Sanders – No Answer to the Right-Wing Menace
- Trump vs. Clinton: Pick Your Poison
- The Democrats Delivered Us This Evil: Now Only Mass Struggle Can Beat Back Trump’s Impending Attacks!
- Rethinking Voting for Capitalist Parties – March 13, 2020
- Vote Biden, a letter to the Weekly Worker by Walter Daum and Matt Roberts – April 20, 2020
- Dump Trump!, a response to Daniel Lazare by Walter Daum and Matt Roberts – May 8, 2020
- Defeat Trump’s White-Supremacist Assault on Democracy!
- The Stakes for the Working Class in the NYC Democratic Primary
- On the 2022 U.S. National Elections – October 22, 2022
- Defeat Paul Vallas, Far-Right Attack-Dog of the Ruling Class –April 4 2023
Engels, Friedrich
Fourth International
Frente Socialista (Puerto Rico)
Gay Liberation
General Strike
Giuliani, Rudolph
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Green Party
Gulf Coast Catastrophe (aftermath of Hurricane Katrina) – see Environmental Disasters
Gulf War – see Iraq
Gun Control
Holberg, Anton
- The Hostage Hustle
- Malvinas War Tests Leftists
- Karl Marx and the World Crisis
- The Malvinas War Revisited
- Women and the Capitalist Family: The Ties That Bind
- The Rape of Panama
- book: The Life and Death of Stalinism
- New Book on Marxist Theory: The Life and Death of Stalinism
- The Real Anti-War Scandal
- Cuba Faces U.S. Threat: “Socialism In One Country” No Answer
- Vietnam: the ‘Working-Class War’
- Joblessness: Capitalist Crime
- The Chiapas Uprising and the Mexican Revolution
- COFI Political Resolution
- Haitian Masses, Yes! U.S./Aristide, No!
- China’s Capitalist Revolutions
- Marxism, Interracialism, and the Black Struggle
- Congo Upheaval: Revolutionary Prospects
- The Specter of Economic Collapse
- Theses-Statement on the Pinochet Extradition Question
- LRP Statement on the War Against Yugoslavia
- U.S./NATO/U.N. Imperialists: Out Of the Balkans!
- Self-Determination and Military Defense: The Marxist Method
- Indonesia Out of East Timor! Imperialist Hands Off!
- The War Over Kosovo: Exchange Between News & Letters and Proletarian Revolution
- U.S. Military Out of Vieques!
- Battle Over Seattle
- Reformism, Nationalism No Answers to IMF Bloodsuckers: Abroad and At Home, Imperialist Capitalism is the Enemy!
- Forward to a New General Strike! U.S. Military Out of Vieques and All of Puerto Rico!
- April In Washington: From Battle In Seattle to Fizzle In the Drizzle
- U.S. Intervention Threatens Colombia
- Puerto Rico: For Mass Action Against U.S. Imperialism
- Defend the Palestinian Intifada
- No to the Arrest and Indictment of the Criminal Milosevic!
- For Socialist Revolution to End Capitalism Misery! Down With Imperialist “Free Trade”!
- Correspondence with Comrade Daniel Bengoechea
- Behind the Terror Attacks Stands Bloody U.S. Imperialism
- Stop the Imperialist War on Afghanistan!
- New York Post Attacks CUNY War Opponents: LRPer, Others Target of Threats
- What’s Wrong With the ‘New York City Labor Against the War’ Statement?
- U.S. Out of Afghanistan! Defeat Imperialism! Re-Create the Fourth International!
- Imperialism Bolsters Its Ideological Props
- Anti-Capitalist Struggle Needs Revolutionary Strategy and Leadership
- Argentina: IMF vs. Working Class
- For Arab Workers’ Revolution to Smash Israeli/U.S. Terror!
- Repudiate the Imperialist Debt!
- No U.S. War Against Iraq!
- Palestinian Mass Struggle: Enemies Within and Without
- 1199 Leadership Betrays the Fight: Stop the U.S. War Against Iraq!
- Defend Iraq from U.S. Imperialist Attack!
- COFI Declaration on the Coming War Against Iraq
- Defend Iraq – Defeat U.S. Imperialism!
- Stop the War on Immigrants!
- Movements, Misleaders and the Role of Revolutionaries: Spartacist Anti-LRP Polemics Backfire
- Why We Say “Defend Iraq - Defeat U.S. Imperialism!”
- LRP Trounces SL in Imperialism Debate
- The Fight Against Imperialist War: Which Way Forward?, complete transcript of LRP/SL debate
- For Mass Struggle Against Racist Police Terror!
- Reply to the International Bolshevik Tendency on Immigrant Rights
- Spartacists Claim “No Victory”
- U.S. Out of Iraq!
- Iraq Occupation in Disarray
- U.S. Hands off Venezuela!
- U.S. Sponsors Death-Squad Coup in Haiti
- Walter Daum vs. John Kerry
- No Choice in 2004 Election – Bush, Kerry Demand War, Austerity
- Tsunami: Natural Disaster, Capitalist Crime
- U.S. Imperialism in Iraq: Bloody War, Phony Election
- On the Racist Anti-Muslim Cartoons
- Millions March
for Immigrant Rights
- Protest Execution of Iranian Gays! U.S. Imperialism: Hands off Iran!
- Lebanon: Imperialism Beaten Back
- U.S. Rulers Switch Horses in Midterm
- Imperialist Carnage in Iraq Continues
- Defend Iran against U.S. Imperialism! Correspondence with WCPI
- Revolutionary Program for Cuba
- Exchange between LRP and Batay Ouvriye
- League for the Revolutionary Party Statement on the Russia-Georgia War
- Defeat Israeli and U.S. Imperialism – Stop the Slaughter in Gaza! (January 9, 2009)
- After the Massacre – The Future of Palestine
- Stop U.S./Israeli War Threats against Iran!, a joint declaration of the LRP (U.S.) and the ISL (Israel/Occupied Palestine)
- Barack Obama: Wall Street’s Warrior
- Before and After the Earthquake – Imperialism Devastated Haiti
- Zionist Massacre on the High Seas
- The Saville Report on the Bloody Sunday Massacre
- Down with the Imperialist Intervention in Libya! For Workers’ Revolutions Across North Africa and the Middle East!
- Imperialist War Criminals Target Whistleblowers: Free Bradley Manning! Hands Off Julian Assange! PDF
- Democrats and Republicans: Silence on Drone Strikes
- Revolutionary Transit Worker Denounces Anti-Muslim Ads
- The Zionist State Tries to Break Gaza Again – and Fails Again
- Down with the Imperialist Intervention in Mali! – see also A Response to Questions from Readers
- U.S. Imperialism – Hands Off Korea!
- Defend the Syrian Revolution Against All its Enemies – Imperialism, Assad and Reactionary Islamists!
- On the Crisis in Ukraine
- Between Imperialisms: Upheaval in Ukraine and the Left
- A Revolutionary View: Behind the New U.S. War in Iraq and Syria
- From Mass Drowning in the Mediterranean to Deaths along the U.S.-Mexico Border, Imperialism Means Barbarism at Home and Abroad
- Barbaric Treatment of Refugees Exposes Inhumanity of Capitalism
- Theses on the Ukraine War by the League for the Revolutionary Party – March 21, 2022
- On the 2022 U.S. National Elections – October 22, 2022
International Communist League (ICL) – see Spartacist League.
International Socialists (U.S.) – see Shachtmanism
Internationalist Group (IG-U.S.) (see also Spartacist League)
Internationalist Socialist League (Israel/Occupied Palestine)
Jackson, Jesse
James, CLR
Johnson, Brandon
Jewish history
Kissinger, Henry
Labor Aristocracy (see also Imperialism)
Labor Party
Landy, Sy
League for the Revolutionary Party (LRP)
Lenin, V.I.
Liga Bolchevique Internacionalista (LBI-Brazil)
Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI, Argentina)
Lula (Luis Inácio da Silva)
Lutte Ouvriere
Marx, Karl
Melamed, David
May Day, meaning and importance of
Military Defense
Moreno, Nahuel, and Morenoism
Muhammed, Khallid
Myanmar (Burma)
Nader, Ralph
National Security Agency (NSA)
New York City
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
“Occupy Wall Street”
Partai Rakyat Demokratik (PRD, People’s Democratic Party-Indonesia)
Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT: Workers’ Party - Brazil)
Partido Obrero (PO-Argentina)
Partido Obrero Revolucionario (POR-Argentina)
Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU-Brazil)
Permanent Revolution
Police (see also Racism)
Political Prisoners
Popular Front
Puerto Rico
el-Qaddafi, Muammar
Republic Windows
Republican Party (U.S.)
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP)
Revolutionary Party
Revolutionary Socialist League (RSL-U.S.)
Roma people
Sanders, Bernie
Sharpton, Al
Snowden, Edward
Social Security (U.S.)
Socialism, definition of or descriptions of
Socialist Alliances (Australia, Britain)
Socialist Labour Party (Britain) – see Scargill, Arthur
Socialist Workers Party (U.S.) (see also United Secretariat)
South Africa
South, U.S.
“Stand Your Ground” Laws – see Self Defense
Statified Capitalism – see Stalinism
Stella D’oro Struggle
Supreme Court
Syriza – see Greece
Tea Party movement
Teamsters, International Brotherhood of
Transitional Program
Transport Workers Union Local 100 (TWU Local 100) (see also Unions)
Trotsky, Leon
Trump, Donald
- Class Struggle in the U.S. South. Part 2: Revolutionary Perspectives for Southern Labor
- The Sadlowski Campaign: U.S. Labor and the Left
- How Kirkland Refuses to Stop Reagan’s Attacks
- Communist Work in the Trade Unions (Exchange with the Austrian IKL) PDF
- The Battle of Hormel: General Strike Against Concessions! Workers Need a New Fighting Leadership! PDF
- Jackson: Razing Hopes
- NYC Transit: Reformists No Answer to Bureaucrats PDF (scan)
- ISO’s Right Turn To Labor
- Local 100 Hacks, Old and New, Play Bosses’ Game
- Transit Workers Railroaded with Slave-Labor Contract
- End Anti-Immigrant Attacks!
- Government Out of the Teamsters! PDF, including “Marxism and the Capitalist State” and “Squeals from Carey’s Left Chorus” – Spring 1998
- New York Transit: No New Direction
- Defending Mumia: Mass Mobilization Is Key
- Battle Over Seattle
- Reformism, Nationalism No Answers to IMF Bloodsuckers: Abroad and At Home, Imperialist Capitalism is the Enemy!
- A Revolutionary View: Mass Mobilization to Oust Giuliani!
- April In Washington: From Battle In Seattle to Fizzle In the Drizzle
- For Socialist Revolution to End Capitalism Misery! Down With Imperialist “Free Trade”!
- Let’s Make ‘M1’ the Start of the Workers’ Fightback!
- Revolutionary vs. Reformist Methods in the Unions
- What’s Wrong With the ‘New York City Labor Against the War’ Statement?
- LRP Reply to Vicente Balvanera
- Argentina: IMF vs. Working Class
- General Strike Against Capitalist Attacks!
- Letter to the Liga Obrera Internacionalista
- Stop the War on Immigrants!
- For a General Strike Against Layoffs and Budget Cuts
- For Mass Struggle Against Racist Police Terror!
- PTS and the Boycott Tactic: Lessons of the Argentine Elections
- Stop the Racist War on Immigrants! Workers Mass Action Needed!
- CTU Must Prepare to Strike!
- U.S. Hands off Venezuela!
- Local 1199: Vote No on Givebacks! Prepare for a Strike!
- Behind the California Supermarket Strike
- “Progressive” Union Leaders Betray Hotel Strike
- New York Transit Strike Shows Working-Class Power
- Auto Workers’ Resistance Grows
- Immigrant Workers Face Crackdown
- Big Wage Raise – or Strike!
- Contract Debacle in Auto
- LRP Supporter Wins Transit Union Post
- Workers and Youth, Unite to Stop the Cuts!
- Auto Workers Betrayed – Again
- Lessons of the Republic Windows Factory Occupation
- EFCA: A Trap for Workers
- Keep Stella D’oro Open - No Layoffs, No Concessions, No Closure!
- How the Stella D’oro Workers Could Have Won
- Voting for Democrats Will Never Win Jobs!
- Spanish Air Controllers’ Defeated Strike
- Stop the War on the Working Class! Battle Line Drawn in Wisconsin
- After Wisconsin, Attacks on Unions Mount
- Wisconsin: A Tale of Betrayal
- Socialists Cover for Chicago Teachers Union Sellout, Democratic Politicians
- Reject SB 7! Repudiate the Rotten Deal! CTU Must Start the Fightback with Mass Protest!
- Democrats and Republicans Are on the Attack – Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers? HELL NO! [May 12, 2011]
- The “Occupy Wall Street” Protests: Billions for Bankers, Layoffs for Workers and Youth? HELL NO!
- NYC Central Labor Council Votes for Massive March on Wall Street
- NYC Union Leaders Stall Working-Class Fightback
- March Against Wall Street On November 17!
- “Occupy Wall Street” at a Turning Point – For a Strategy of Mass Action by the Working Class and Poor!
- Defend SEIU Local 32BJ Against the Bosses’ Attacks! Workers Need a United Fightback!, LRP Bulletin No. 1 (32BJ contract struggle)
- Real Estate Bosses Are on the Attack – 32BJ Workers Must Demand a Serious Strike Strategy!, LRP Bulletin No. 2 (32BJ contract struggle)
- Real Estate Bosses Are on the Attack – If There is a Strike, 32BJ Must Have a Plan to Win!, LRP Bulletin No. 3 (32BJ contract struggle)
- The Truth about Fishman’s Sellout – Proposed Contract for 32BJ Will Leave Workers Behind, LRP Bulletin No. 4 (32BJ contract struggle)
- Occupy Wall Street: A Marxist Assessment
- The Meaning of May Day
- Defeat the Bosses with Working-Class Solidarity! Defend Con Ed Workers! (Con Ed Workers’ Struggle, Bulletin No. 1)
- Defend Pensions For All Workers – Reject the Two Tier Contract! Vote No! (Con Ed Workers’ Struggle, Bulletin No. 2)
- Police Massacre Striking Miners: South African, U.S. Union Leaders Complicit
- As PSC Gears Up for a Strike Vote at CUNY: A Fight To Defend Workers and Students Can Win!
- Protests Must Grow into Massive Working-Class Struggles To Stop Trump’s Racist Anti-Worker Attacks!
- Open Letter to TWU President John Samuelsen: Why Unions Must Call a March on Washington to Defend Healthcare
- The Rise of Trumpism and the Crisis of Labor Leadership
- West Virginia Teachers Defy Austerity, Government and Union Leaders – and Win!
- Lessons of the "Red State" Strikes: Teachers Rebel Against Austerity
- Roll Back Trump’s Attack on the Post Office! For a United Mass Struggle – September 18, 2020
United Auto Workers (UAW)
United Electrical Workers (UE)
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)
United Front
United Steel Workers of America (USWA)
Vallas, Paul
War and Military Policy
Workers World Party (WWP)
Zaire – see Congo